Urgent request for international support for a political resolution to the crisis in Myanmar under Cambodia’s ASEAN ChairmanshipBy AVI NewsFebruary 8, 2022
His Majesty the King: Motto of Beijing Winter Olympics Reflects Common Aspiration of Human SocietyBy AVI NewsFebruary 4, 2022
Chheang Vannarith, president of the Asian Vision Institute in Cambodia, told China Daily that the implementation of the five-point consensus is critical to resolving the Myanmar crisisBy AVI NewsJanuary 28, 2022
On 26th January 2022, Dr. Cheunboran Chanborey, AVI Strategic Advisor, shared his views with German young foreign policy experts on the role of ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific during a background briefing, organised by KAS-Germany.By AVI NewsJanuary 27, 2022