Dialogue between French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

French President Emmanuel Macron had a telephone conversation with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 21, 2021.

Macron and Modi reaffirmed their willingness to work together in the Indo-Pacific region as France continued to express fury against new allies between the United States, Australia, and Britain for the Indo-Pacific region.

In addition, according to a press release from the Elysee presidential palace, Modi of France’s commitment to strengthening India’s strategic autonomy, which included both industrial and technological bases.

The leaders of both countries also expressed concern over the situation in Afghanistan, where the Taliban took over the government.

In recent years, France has become closer to India, with France selling Rafale fighter jets to India, joint military operations, and India sending its navy to France’s military bases in Djibouti, the United Arab Emirate, and Réunion.



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