The Memorandum of Understanding between The Ministry of Environment and The Asian Vision Institute

On 27th October 2021, the Ministry of Environment, represented by H.E Dr Van Monineath, Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD) and the Asian Vision Institute (AVI), represented by Dr Keo Piseth, Vice President of the Institute, signed a memorandum of understanding on ‘Cooperation on Environmental Management and Sustainable Development’.

The signing of this memorandum of understanding is aimed to contribute to the promotion of intellectual dialogue and the establishment of research cooperation between the Ministry of Environment and the Asian Vision Institute, focusing on environmental protection and management, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development.

In order to implement the above cooperation, the Ministry of Environment and the Asian Vision Institute commit to working closely together to serve the common interests through the development of policies and strategic recommendations in the field of natural resource, and biodiversity conservation, environmental protection and management, and payment for ecosystem services, climate change, low carbon emissions, and other environmentally relevant sectors.


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