Dozens of nations agree at COP26 to end use of coal power by 2040s

More than 40 countries agreed ​on Thursday at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Scotland to stop investing in the production of coal power over the next two decades, but some of the most coal-using nations, like China and the United States, did not involve. Dozens of nations including Britain, Canada, Indonesia, Poland, South Korea, Ukraine and Vietnam were part of the pact at the conference, known as COP26.

The countries agreed to halt domestic and international investments in the production of coal. Developed nations agreed to end their support in the 2030s, and developing countries agreed to end in the 2040s. Some climate experts have said developed countries should phase out coal sooner, during the 2020s, to keep pace with a goal of limiting global temperatures just 1.5 Celsius.

(Source: UPI)


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